men’s ministry

about us.

The Covenant Men’s Fellowship meetings are established to have fellowship with one another in obedience to God’s Word. All Christians should aspire to know and be made new in the image of our creator, the Father. As free men, we have a unique opportunity to meet in obedience to this call in the comfort of various settings in and around Wilmington. We focus our time together on defining our calling, specifically as men, to embrace and embody the qualities of the Father and shoulder the responsibility it is to lead with a servant heart; we follow our Redeemer’s example as we seek to realize purpose and interact meaningfully with the various people God has blessed our lives with.  

We meet every Saturday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 am in various locations throughout Wilmington that we may, “Show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the Lord do what is good in His sight” - 2 Samuel 10:12

men’s fellowship.

Tony Popolo



Ulrik Merstrand

Contact us.